Friday, November 18, 2011

The Rest of the Amazing, Incredible Story!

Psalm 65:5 says,
"You answer us with awesome and righteous deeds, God our Savior..."

I love this verse and I can certainly give praise for the many ways God has come through for me with awesome and righteous deeds throughout my life! What a great provider He has been. I stand amazed at His goodness and faithfulness.

The scripture also tells us that, "nothing is impossible with God," and, although with all my heart, I believe this to be true, I also know that He does not, as a rule, impose His will upon matter how many people might be praying that He will. It's that "free will" thing.

Over the years I have prayed for divine miracles, for changed lives and reconciled situations...especially in marriages (and probably beginning first with my own). And, so often, it has been to no avail. Stubbornness, hearted-heartedness, rebellion, unforgiveness, woundedness and a multitude of other issues...well you know what happens...divorce.

I think I can count on the fingers of ONE hand the marriages I have seen reconciled following a divorce. It just rarely, very rarely, ever happens. And my heart has been broken so many times as I have watched couples with irreconcilable differences part ways leaving a trail of brokenness that effects so many.

So earlier this year, at a time of deep heartbreak and sorrow, I wrote a blog entitled, There are Three Things I Hate! 
It was brief.
There were no sordid details.
I didn't preach or lecture or offer scriptural solutions...
Basically, it was my lament over my intense hatred for divorce... and specifically one particular divorce that took place this summer. I cannot even explain or describe the range of emotions that I dealt with...or didn't deal with!

Well, there is more to this story and I feel compelled to share what happened over the course of this fall. Again, without names or details, but with utter amazement, I can tell you that this couple (Well, can I say "they came to their senses?" Sure I can that is what I was praying) is working through their differences, they are doing all the right things to bring healing to their relationship and their family. I am so proud of them and blessed to see how they are allowing the LORD His rightful place in their lives.

My heart is full...and thankful. And I am reminded that my God can do what He says He can do!
Here is the "lament" I wrote earlier.

So, how about you?
What are you praising Him for this Thanksgiving?

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