Both messages made it sound as though a third party (not the same person in either case) was blaming me for something that, for the life of me, I couldn't figure out any possible way that I could have been guilty of said issues/problems/failures.
Fortunately, after spending a few moments pondering and considering, (Okay, okay! stewing and brewing!) I asked for clarification from them both. And low and behold....well, that's where the miscommunication/failure to comprehend part came to light. It wasn't me! It was the way they worded their communiques!
(And then my paranoia took over all by itself and did the rest!)
So what did I learn (relearn) from today's double dose of texting woes? Well, Solomon has a lot to say about words and how we use them. He doesn't have a lot to say about how we communicate "textually." Too bad...
Oh! Wait a minute. Here we go...
Proverbs 25:11 says, "A word aptly texted is like apples of gold in settings of silver." (From the Debby Bentch Personally Revised Edition)
Hey, I'm going to work on my paranoia issues, but help me out here, okay? Could you guys communicate with that in mind? Clarify, Clarify, Clarify!